понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I had to get up very early for a dental appointment and they had to fill two small cavities. One on each side of my upper jaw.

The good news: the novocaine worked quickly (but tasted awful). As I started to get a headache as some of the feeling started to return, I realized I still have some painkillers leftover from two weeks ago

Now if I can only muddle through my tortuous homework assignments, the rest of the week should be a breezy Autumn coast downhill.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Really im not.
nothing like my mother either. She adores them. Taking photos of them all the time.
i didnt get that gene i guess.
but this morning at the walk, they called up all the survivors. And then a lady went on stage and had a single white dove....she let it go. It was really nice.
then out of nowhere they open like 5 cages or more and theres a good 15 birds id say...all white doves...that go off.
it was like the movies.
i know i compare a lot of things in my life to the movies, could be because i watch so many or because its true sometimes.
you chose.
but it was amazing. I loved it. Probably my favourite part.
along with seeing some guys i knew at the walk.
i think things like this are always cuter when boys do it, i dont know why. Maybe its because guys act all tough and such and to see that they actually do care for things like this and for family etc etc.
yep. Its almost and heartwarming and cute as those doves.
almost. But not really lol.
the doves win. For sure.

small groups soon.
not sure if im excited or not. Dont know where i sit exactly on how i feel about it. Although i wont stop going, dont worry. Plus i have to drive the siblings.
i think there is late night prayer too...but me and nikki both had the same thoughts on that, so were going to do our own thing. If jordan wants to join thats cool too.
fffaaammmilllyyy gathering haha.
which i pretty much love how close me and the siblings are. I know theyapos;ll always have my back and walk with me in sucky times. And i know ill always do the same for them.

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Donapos;t you know that you yourselves are Godapos;s temple and that Godapos;s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys Godapos;s temple, God will destroy him; for Godapos;s temple is sacred, and you are that temple. (1 Cor 3:16-17)

Today I did not rob God as I cheerfully gave my full tithe of $100. I feel very good about it and hope to be able to do this every pay check. Amen.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9:7)

God Bless us all Amen.

Thanks to Pastor Derek for a great service.

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